Catalog Browse books by Language, Title and Author


A Wake Up Call from the Anaesthesiologist! Stories from the Operation Theatre- Education Initiative for the Public

74 pages
Vasanthi Vidyasagaran


110 pages
Gita Press
Gita Press , Gorakhpur

Gems Of Truth (Second Series)

174 pages
Gita Press
Jayadayal Goyandka

Srimad Bhagavadgita Sadhaka - Sanjivani { With Appendix } Vol . 2

2114 pages
Gita Press
Swami Ramsukhdas

Srimad Bhagavadgita Sadhaka - Sanjivani { With Appendix } Vol .1

1035 pages
Gita Press
Swami Ramsukhdas

QED The Strange Theory of Light and Matter

158 pages

Algorithm Design

708 pages

Discussions on IE Irodov's Discussion 2

DB Singh

Kubernetes Design Patterns and Extensions

95 pages

Puzzles For Programmers And Pros

226 pages
Dennis E. Shasha

Inventions and Discoveries


The Fabric Of The Cosmos

569 pages
Brian Greene

Microservices Up And Running

301 pages
Ronnie Mitra